Monster Spiders Settle in Britain – As Large as Rats

The Fen Raft Spider is making a comeback in the United Kingdom: After 14 years, these giant creatures are spreading across Britain.

For conservationists, it’s a piece of joyful news; however, for those with a fear of spiders, it’s a living nightmare. The Fen Raft Spider (Dolomedes plantarius), the largest spider in the country, was almost entirely extinct by 2010. But now, this species is reclaiming its habitat and is increasingly expanding its presence.

The Fen Raft Spider Was Near Extinction – Scientists Succeed in Reintroduction

At that time, the population of the Fen Raft Spider, which belongs to the family of hunting spiders, was in a dire situation. Only a handful of these spiders existed at just three sites in the English counties of Suffolk and Sussex. Now, 14 years later, conservationists appear to have made a breakthrough, according to a report by the Daily Mail. Thanks to a special conservation program, more and more of these giant spiders are establishing themselves in the United Kingdom. In Norfolk alone, the population has risen to around 3,750 breeding females across twelve locations. Researchers believe that the wet weather has also contributed to the rapid increase of these monster spiders.

Tim Strudwick, manager of the Mid-Yare Nature Reserve, emphasized to the Daily Mail: “The Fen Raft Spider is one of Britain’s rarest invertebrates, and we are proud of the role that our reserves and teams have played in their reintroduction.” Visitors to the Strumpshaw Fen Nature Reserve, from June to September, have the best chance of spotting one of the glistening webs with a fully grown female spider inside.